About the site

free online market


 It is a classified ads platform that provides its advertising and marketing services to all users and visitors in the countries of the Middle East, in turn, linking sellers and buyers with real investors; To enable them to buy and sell or to obtain a service or even a job.


The team working in the free online market consists of more than 13 employees who deal with more than 50,000 individuals and companies, who use platforms to sell many goods, products, sites and real estate, in addition to the value of vacant job offers and services that are traded on the platform.


We in the free electronic market are working to make the buying and selling processes easier and faster than the usual method; The platform is designed to be secure and available to everyone without exception, whether the user represents themselves as an individual or a company.



The free online market helps all customers and investors complete the processes of buying, selling, advertising, or searching for a service or a vacancy, via the Internet; Where we provide our services in 19 countries: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq, Sultanate of Oman, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Qatar, Palestine, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia.



In the free online market, we strive to provide a safe and reliable online advertising environment, aimed at connecting sellers to buyers and vice versa, directly without the need for an intermediary or paying commission through the lists and classifications on the platform



our vision


Our vision is reflected in the free electronic market to enable investors and companies to make profit by creating good economic opportunities with their returns, fulfilling desires, meeting needs and developing societies.



how do we work?



Users can download our iOS and Android app for the best experience, or use our website to sell and buy and apply for a job or provide a service.

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